(Originally posted on FB 4/19/21)
8 months in, many familias remain in RV’s and hotels. Those who’ve found apartments outside of their hometown are paying 2-3 times what they paid before. Everyone pulling together as usual. In hopes that this was only temporary.
It’s important to note that in the midst of the devastation, there was no crumbling, always persevering. No one stopped working. Every day there was work, was a chance to put life back together and it was not missed.
Both parents working, elder children watching youngers, managing school etc.
Putting one foot in front of the other, with hope.
So it’s no wonder that I’m sitting with mamas expressing disbelief and heartache at what seems to be the gentrification we were all fearing.
The mobile parks are being cleared, finally. However, now the parks are saying only trailers from 2015 or sooner are allowed. These newer trailers can be as expensive as $150 K and up, so even if you have money for a deposit and can get a loan, you will now have a mortgage on top of space rent, doubling or tripling what you paid before.
(Those who did have their trailers insured were only awarded on average $10,000 so even the “insured” are in the same situation, unlike the insured suburban homeowners)
Is this really how the hardest working, who provide essential services, in our community are repaid???
I know there is talk of affordable housing all over the county, but so far, the familias I’ve spoken with have yet to hear of any solid options.
And what I see around me is a lot of people going on with their lives, completely unaware of this inequity. Carried quietly by those who are often in service to them.
And I know if they knew, they would want it to be different.
After all the heartache, I know most people understand that fire impacted familias deserve to reclaim homes with as much ease and equity as possible.
Not a rug torn out from under them.
So if you are in the area,
please speak up.
Pam Marsh has introduced a lot of legislation re: fire relief. Please take some time to write and advocate for the most marginalized, specifically that efforts be made to increase the affordability of mobile trailers.
(mailto:rep.pammarsh@oregonlegislature.gov and/or call Kate Brown)
‘Free Market Capitalism’ will eat us all if we let it.
Please remember our interdependence and use your voice for humanity💗
Fire Update- Gentrification

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