Throughout life my dreams have come through to give me stark clarity on challenges I am facing or situations I am chewing on.  Dreaming, existing and walking in the dream time are birthrights that are a part of our full capacity, our ability to ebb and flow, respond to the greater whole and find our regenerative pulses.

It’s, as usual, kinda funny to see people competitively dreaming lately;  talking about how well they lucid dream, how clear their dreams are, how psychic their dreams are, how they know so much (more than you).

Surely, sometimes this talk is just coming from excitement at discovering the wealth of guidance and fun within our dreams, and sometimes it is just a feature of the competitiveness and external self worth that this society grooms.

From an ancestral point of view, dreams and our ability to receive clear guidance through them,  is just a natural part of life, like peeing, or sleeping. Many ancestral cultures consult their dreams individually and collectively for daily guidance.

We are ALL able to access profound guidance in our dreams.

The main thing is to stop, listen, reflect, digest, explore with your IC, guidance, friends…

If we are not dreaming or remembering our dreams it usually means we are overtired or moving too fast.

We are all taught to look outside of ourselves for answers; look it up on the oracle ‘google’, in a book, take a course, ask a teacher, etc. etc.

And yet, for millennia as the dream spoke to us, we were simply receivers of the dream  that we were/are collectively dreaming.

Anything we need to know, we can dream.

It’s so fun to know this and trust this, to go to sleep asking guidance/ancestors/Love/Mama Tierra/Mother:

“What do I need to know about this? What is the loving, open, expansive truth about this?

“What would be loving for my child?” “What would bring me peace?”

or simply saying, “Please guide me” “Show me how to unfold, grow, walk…”

And although these questions are focused, linear, we can open to the playful language of dreams, and allow ourselves to expand back to our dreaming language: symbols.

To the mystery, the amorphous, the not knowing, the not needing to ‘know.’

Simply the experience of being lived, of living, of dreaming, of being dreamed.

Society is a game built by nation state hierarchies, constructs of abuse, violence, haves and have nots…

Our dreaming self knows us as far wider, greater, full of possibilities,

intricately woven into the regenerative life force of the species, of love, of compassion, of liberation,

of simple, ecstatic play and curiosity…

Words are limiting, but the visions of your dreams say it all

No need to ‘make sense’ of anything

Simply take self-reclamation into your dreamtime,

beyond our inherently programmed and limited mind, into our whole soul life,

beyond only ‘waking life.’

Reclaim your dreamtime

Reclaim your dreamtime

Reclaim your dreamtime

Marvel at what comes forth, take time to journal or simply speak aloud to yourself the wild or mellow or anxious or crazy or confusing or magical or whirling night scenes.

Even if your still yet too busy life only allows you to reflect on them while in the shower, driving or washing dishes (any unplugged, undistracted moment). Wake to the symbols.

Let your soul and All Life know you are listening.

That you are here to walk with your dreams.

That you are here for ALL of it.



*Beautiful art by Angie Pickman

Walking with our dreams

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