download-3These Circles I hold are some truly amazing gatherings.

Every month, I feel an afterglow wash over me after each one.  I feel blessed by the gift that others join me in authentic space, by the wisdom that pours forth as we all teach and support each other, by the experience of sitting in trust and surrender with my Guidance as “I” facilitate, and by the sheer exquisiteness of women gathered, open hearted, receptive, breathing into their full selves and shining this light on each other.  There is a magic that simply unfolds each and every time.

I’m going to share some of this here from time to time, because the insights reconnected to, are just so good and we all can benefit from the reminders.

This weekend was the weekend of Claiming our Brilliance!

In my Saturday circle, mamas connected to the deep growth in their lives and the joy they feel right now, even when things get messy and hard. That following their path, listening to that quiet yet persistent voice within keeps leading them into ever continual unfolding of who they are.  We reconnected the wisdom that we need not try to live our purpose. We need not force it. That it is more about widening what we allow, trusting that we already are who we ‘seek’ to be and resting into this.  We went with the excitement and giddiness of feeling thrilled to be who we are and I decided every circle is going to need to include a ‘bragfest’ from now on.

The next day’s Circle also included similar triumphs as this is my most seasoned Circle. We’ve been together awhile now and we are steeped in the knowing that whatever challenges we face, the strength within, this sisterhood and the healing that has been internalized will light the way.

And it was also a bittersweet day as we held a blessing for our beloved sister who is pursuing her dream and moving.  With joy in our hearts for her, and sadness for the distance that will be between us (only literally), we took our turns reflecting to her, the beauty of her soul.  As I sat next to her, I simply adored watching each woman speak from her heart and so precisely mirror to her who she is.  I marveled at how even some who had known her less time, truly ‘got’ her.  I marveled at the openness in those women that led to that, this open space that supports it, and the way that I have seen this mama unfold into her astounding brilliant self over the years, now making it so easy for everyone to ‘know’ her.

And my whole being smiled as I listened to how well she knows herself and saw her bright eyes taking all the love in with deep acceptance and claiming, that YES, she is in fact, that precious.  I felt so much joy and expansiveness in my heart, reveling in the gift of seeing someone embrace themselves with love, especially, because I love this mama so.

At the end, we all breathed into this moment, remembering this is true of each and every one of us. We are all divine beings with so many unique gifts to express. I felt deeply relaxed and privileged to sit in this room with all of these profoundly beautiful women.

Later that evening, I asked Carrie to ‘gloat,’ to fully speak her dream; to hold her soul or ‘inner child’ and let her speak everything she intends for this new journey.  She smiled and delightedly jumped in, and I was reminded that this, all of this…bragging, claiming our self love, welcoming other’s love and ‘gloating’ with glee….are all such fun and necessary ways to step into the fullness of our lives.

Those who know me, know that I don’t gloss over things. That we always acknowledge and work through the hard stuff…and in doing so, we always find our way back to a deeper and deeper joy. This was a weekend of seeing this in action and I am so grateful.

I would LOVE to hear any gloating, bragging, dreaming or claiming self love that anyone would like to share in the comments section!!



Circle Wisdom- Bragging, gloating, claiming it!

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