Martin Luther King Jr. allowed his light to shine brightly and it continues to shine and inspire us to this day.  Every year I am struck by the power in him, his conviction and commitment that led him to rally people together and create dramatic, life giving change. He was simply one man and while it was the work of many that actually created the change, his leadership made all the difference. So today, I reflect on his life and the life of all of those courageous leaders before him, which call us not to simply follow their lead but to find the leader within us.

Within us is the truth seeker, the courageous truth teller, the steadfast holder of virtue and justice, the shining light that is God and greatness in all of us.  There is such a tendency to shrink back into smallness.  On a daily basis, we can get triggered into woundedness;  a squabble here, a power struggle there, where we disconnect from our true nature. But beyond and even within all of this, there is the opportunity for greatness.  The opportunity to step back and say, “No more smallness, there is more that is enduring. I will reconnect to love. I will surrender and walk in greatness.”

Not personal or ego greatness, but rather a surrender to the greatness that is;  allowing the greatness of Spirit to flow through you, to bring forth the brighter and peaceful world that we are capable of manifesting.  A greatness we can scarcely imagine, but for which we can be a vehicle.

So as I remember this one man’s triumphant journey, I am reminded to see my own journey as a sacred call to great leadership. My spirit is always calling me to live deeper, to extend myself beyond the comfort of my home and family, to reach out and make a difference, to stay connected to myself and my place in humanity.  To live simply, with kindness, compassion, courage and integrity in every moment.

I am reminded that anything is possible! All of our impulses, all of our spirit leanings are there for a reason and our job is not to talk ourselves out of them, to get lost in misdirection, or the distractions of the day. Rather to hold steadfast to the beauty that we all have within, to celebrate it, to surrender to it and shine this light, this goodness, this hope for all.

We must see our presence here not simply as a personal gift, but a gift to the world.  And to recognize that our daily choice to live in smallness or light is a choice that has greater repercussions.  We can choose to be leaders in any moment, holders of light and possibility, or we can allow the status quo to remain within and without.

Simple acts like staying at the front of the bus, or helping a friend in need, have changed history. As we surrender to Spirit/God and allow ourselves to be guided by greatness, we are part of the illumination and loving transformation of our soul and the world, bit by bit, moment by moment.


I am so grateful for all of the leaders who inspires us to greatness and remind us to be the leaders we are, to take our crucial place in the healing of our nation and our world.

Today, I surrender to Spirit, that I may be guided toward the best expression of leadership that I am. I will hear the call within and take action in my life to honor and respond to this call.

Awakening The Leader Within

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